One way to adjust the default footer content with themes such as Genesis and Thesis, is to go in and delete the current theme footer code and add your own. However this often means you actually have to go into the parent theme's footer.php file and make the hacks there. Not a good idea as those sorts of changes will be lost when you upgrade the theme.Instead the better way, when possible, is to use your childtheme's functions file and target the footer hook, remove what is being added by the Theme's default settings, and then add your own customised content.So how do you do this?Well you need to identify the theme's footer hooks and then use "remove_action". For eg for Genesis:[php]remove_action('genesis_footer', 'genesis_do_footer');[/php]and for Thesis:[php]remove_action('thesis_hook_footer', 'thesis_attribution');[/php]then you need to create a function for your new footer content, say something like:[php]function dtwd_custom_footer() { ?><p>&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?><a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>" ><?php echo get_option('blogname'); ?></a></p><?php}[/php]This creates a function called "dtwd_custom_footer" and then adds copyright symbol, current year; site URL and name of your blog.Then you simply need to hook this function onto the theme's footer hook, so in the example for Genesis theme, the complete code to add to the childtheme's function file would look like this:[php]/** customise footer */remove_action('genesis_footer', 'genesis_do_footer'); function dtwd_custom_footer() { ?><p>&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?><a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>" ><?php echo get_option('blogname'); ?></a></p><?php}add_action('genesis_footer', 'dtwd_custom_footer');[/php][dtwd-related-posts-sc]
