"Stress is not what happens to us. It's our response TO what happens. And RESPONSE is something we can choose"~Maureen Killoran"

Stress is a bi-product of our hectic and demanding lives in this day and age. But stress is not something new. It's always been hanging around. I think that the impact of our lives being lived more online, where our bodies are inactive while our minds are active, is preventing our bodies, which need to be active, to eliminate the harmful and toxic effects of stress.A build up of stress within the human body is a known trigger for many chronic illnesses. It occurs when this stress is sustained over an extended period of time.Try these 8 tips to help combat the stress that is building up in your body.

1. Try to relieve some tension with a relaxation massage, some yoga or tai chi.2. Spend some time visualising. Spend a few minutes each morning quietly sitting, visualising a scene that you find relaxing and peaceful. If you find yourself flustered during the day, allow the tension to ease by imagining the calm scene. If necessary remove yourself from the situation, take a few deep breaths and be alone with your thoughts for a few minutes. Focus on positive things and then return to the situation when you are ready.3. Learn how to breathe deeply. Yoga and tai chi focus on breathing so teach yourself how to breathe and "let go" of stresses and worries while breathing deeply.4. Meditation: spend a few minutes each day just sitting with an empty mind. This will take some practise but it is worth it. Don't do anything, just sit there and try to empty your mind. Try to be present in the moment by focussing on the sounds you hear.5. Rational thinking can help to keep you positive. Start by identifying issues in your life that are causing you stress. Now think about the negative thoughts that accompany those issues. Each time your mind starts to drift over to these negative thoughts, respond with a positive affirmation that builds up your self confidence.6. Deal with the problem. If you cannot solve the problem, then why not bring in some help. For example a financial advisor can help solve money worries, a counsellor may help with dealing with problems at home.7. Focus only on real and current problems, and only focus on finding solutions to those real problems. Some people live their daily lives with the "what if?" scenarios. These sorts of worries in small doses are actually good because they enable you anticapate problems before they occur. However excessive worry is unhealthy. Let go of some of these worries and enjoy the present.8. Smile. The simple action of smiling, helps to reduce stress. Sometimes it can be hard to smile, but think of someone or something you love, or remember something that made you laugh or smile.

What are your tips for dealing with stress. Let me know in the comments below and lets find out how we can help each other.
